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Male Yogi

guru cosmos

Yoga | Wellness | Growth | Spirituality


You are the guru

The wisdom
which resides within us
bringing light in the darkness

If I had a billboard, it would say...

You are the guru...

Divine wisdom resides within each of us

Our journey in this incarnation is to

find that wisdom and bring light into the darkness

I'm just a fellow traveler on this journey
I'm only a guru in as much as you are a guru

I don't claim to have all the answers

I'm here in service of fellow travelers

helping them to discover the tools within

to become their own guru

magnifying their light in this world

"It is such a pleasure to practice with your guidance. Thank you for your energy!"


Man in Samadhi

Who am I?

I'm a father, to two beings of light 

I'm a husband, held by a moonbeam

I'm a son, a brother, and a human 


And I've been to hell...

My journey has its night of the soul
as all human journeys do


Yoga is my dharma
It has been my catalyst for transformation

and through it, I aim to serve

I believe service is the path to the divine

And I believe we are all gurus

I'm here in service of you as a fellow traveler


Helping you discover the tools within

To become your own guru


Magnifying your light in this world

Let me know if I can be of service


More about me

My name is Dustin 


I live in Manhattan Beach

with my wife and our two angel boys

I'm a Harvard grad and a healthcare executive 


I was raised in Canada 

in the womb of a loving family

I've been blessed with 'success' from a Western materialist perspective


But somewhere on my journey, I discovered a yearning for something more

The pandemic was the night of my soul

My psyche went to the depths of hell

​Yoga and loving support of family and community

brought me through that darkness


My mission in life is to provide support and space for others to heal and grow

One of the ways I do that is through teaching yoga

I teach a weekly Kundalini class at Soho Yoga in Hermosa Beach 


I have a calendar of workshops in 2025

I look forward to growing with you

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Man in Back Bend

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